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Selo Olive Oil

Cream of Spring Pea Soup | Selo Olive Oil Recipes

Cream of Spring Pea Soup - A creamy and vibrant green soup garnished with fresh mint leaves, served in a bowl.

Cream of Spring Pea Soup: A Dish With A Fascinating History And Fresh Flavors

Like the delightfully versatile quiche, soup has a rich history spanning across cultures and centuries. One could say soup is truly a culinary chameleon, changing its characteristics based on region, climate, and season. In celebration of the vibrancy of Spring, we present to you a seasonal delicacy: the Cream of Spring Pea Soup.

This soup incorporates the vivacity of fresh peas, luxuriously cooked into a luscious, creamy soup. This hearty dish also showcases the combined prowess of finely chopped onions and aromatic garlic, cooked to perfection in a medley of unsalted butter and authentic Croatian olive oil from Selo Olive Oil.

The undeniable star of this stockpot delight is the Selo Olive Oil, which brings an essential richness and authentic Croatian flavor, ensuring our Cream of Spring Pea Soup not only satisfies your hunger but also your wanderlust.

Creating the Soup Base

Starting your Cream of Spring Pea Soup begins by properly cooking your onions and garlic in a well-balanced mix of unsalted butter and Selo Olive Oil. This base not only sets the flavor tone for your soup but also creates an intoxicating aroma that transforms your kitchen into a Mediterranean haven.

Cooking Your Peas to Perfection

When it's time to add the peas to the soup, the goal is to cook them just right, ensuring they are tender but still brimming with their fresh flavors and vibrant color. To keep the peas' freshness intact, they are added to a boiling broth and cooked briefly for about 3-4 minutes.

Seasoning is Key

Finally, no Cream of Spring Pea Soup is complete without the right seasoning. Salt and pepper added to taste subtly bring out the flavors, enhancing without overpowering the natural goodness of the peas. And, for those who enjoy a boost of flavor, fresh mint leaves make a great optional garnish and add an unexpected twist.

Featuring Selo Olive Oil

Our Cream of Spring Pea Soup shines with the addition of Selo Olive Oil. The richness of this fine Croatian olive oil contributes to a perfectly balanced, smooth, and truly creamy soup. Beyond taste, it also introduces you to the essence of Croatian cuisine, making every sip of this soup an exotic, Mediterranean experience.


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